Shala Perla

Shala Perla comes from roots watered before she knew what was happening. While she is still blossoming into the magnificent tree she will be, stretching her branches to join in with the community she is a part of, she is proud of the twists and turns that make her who she is. Shala is a daughter, a wife, a mother, a cousin, a niece, and a friend. Her dedication to keep pushing forward with purpose and healing makes her proud. Her determination to continue learning, striving, and trying is an extension of her ancestors who came before her.

Shala’s purpose is to be a part of a larger community that comes together to protect and nourish black geniuses. She often greets people with a plate of nourishment, and through the feeding of the stomach, paired with conversation, she aims to feed their souls as well. Shala’s commitment to her roots, her family, and her community is a testament to the strength and resilience that has been passed down through generations.

Dream for Black Children

“My dream is for Black children to live in their truth with happiness, to have the support of their peers and elders, to be nourished and full of stories, food, and knowledge, and to always feel like they belong and have a home.”